Privacy Policy

1. Your privacy is important to us

We know that how we collect, use, exchange and protect your information is important to you, and we value your trust. That’s why protecting your information and being clear about what we do with it is a vital part of our relationship with you.

This Privacy Policy is for our Home Loan customers of Perth Mortgage Broker Group and includes our policy on the handling of credit reports and other credit-related information.

Please note that during the course of our relationship with you, we may tell you more about how we handle your information. This could be when you complete an application or claims form, or receive terms and conditions or a Product Disclosure Statement. When you receive this further information, please consider it carefully. Please also visit our website regularly as we update this policy from time to time.

2. Information we collect 

Information we collect from you

We collect information about you and your interactions with us, for example when you request or use our services, phone us or visit our website. When you use our website we may collect information about your location or activity including IP address, telephone number and whether you’ve accessed third party sites.

The information we collect from you may include your identity and contact details, other personal details such as gender and marital status and financial information. Where applicable, we may also collect health information, for example for insurance purposes.

Information we collect from others

We collect information about you from others, such as service providers, agents, advisers, brokers, employers or family members. For example, if you apply for credit, we may need to obtain a credit report from a credit reporting body. If you apply for life or income protection insurance, we may collect medical and lifestyle information from you or your health professionals. We may collect information about you that is publicly available, for example from public registers or social media, or made available by third parties.

Sensitive information

The Privacy Act also protects your sensitive information, such as health information that’s collected on insurance or hardship applications. If we need to obtain this type of information, we will ask for your consent, except where otherwise permitted by law.

3. How do we use your information?

We collect, use and exchange your information so that we can:

1/ establish your identity and assess applications for products and services

2/ price and design our products and services

3/ administer our products and services

4/ manage our relationship with you

5/ manage our risks and help identify and investigate illegal activity, such as fraud

6/ contact you, for example if we suspect fraud on your account or need to tell you something important

7/ conduct and improve our businesses and improve the customer experience

8/ comply with our legal obligations and assist government and law enforcement agencies or regulators

9/ identify and tell you about other products or services that we think may be of interest to you.

4. Who do we exchange your information with?

Third parties

We may exchange your information with third parties where this is permitted by law or for any of the purposes mentioned in section 3.

Third parties include:

- service providers, for example mortgage insurers and loyalty program redemption partners

- brokers, agents and advisers and persons acting on your behalf, for example guardians and persons holding power of attorney

- guarantors

- funding providers, for example banks

- claims-related providers, such as assessors and investigators, who help us with claims

- auditors, insurers and re-insurers

- employers or former employers

- government and law enforcement agencies or regulators

- credit reporting bodies and credit providers

- entities established to help identify illegal activities and prevent fraud.

We may also collect, use and exchange your information in other ways where permitted by law.


5. Keeping your information secure

We keep your hard-copy or electronic records on our premise and systems.

- When you transact with us on the internet via our website or mobile apps we encrypt data sent from your computer to our systems.

- We have firewalls, intrusion detection systems and virus scanning tools to protect against unauthorised persons and viruses accessing our systems.

- When we send your electronic data outside to third parties we use dedicated secure networks or encryption.

- We limit access by requiring use of passwords

Please contact us directly if you have any questions about our privacy policy, and how we store, use and collect your information.

Troy Davy - Principle Mortgage Broker - 0411 229 602

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